Friday, May 09, 2008

Disable Anti-Aliasing in Matlab in Mac OS X : AntiAntiAliasing

Usual disabling of font smoothing does not work for Matlab 2008a since it uses Java for the IDE. To overcome this, create a file called java.opts with the following content: -Dapple.awt.textantialiasing=off and put it under bin/maci folder under /Applications/Matlab directory. Now editor and command line should be aliased, even though some parts of the GUI stay the same. Also, under Leopard, slow IDE performance is solved by appending this line in java.opts in a separate line: Note that these should be on separate lines and no space should be between the options. You can check whether this works by the command: java.lang.System.getProperty('')


Unknown said...

Brilliant.. wish I'd known this sooner. Now I can actually read fixed width fonts! Thanks!

EternalHacker said...

Amazing, spent ages looking for a solution! Thanks.