Monday, May 25, 2009

Nvidia + Debian Sid

m-a update

m-a prepare

m-a clean nvidia (?)

m-a a-i nvidia

apt-get install nvidia-glx

Maintainer's home page

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Some MATLAB Tricks - II

  1. Use cellfun to operate on each element of a cell. See also: arrayfun
  2. Use shg to call the latest figure front.
  3. Use dbstop if error for entering debug mode upon error. Use dbclear if error to reverse the behaviour.
  4. Use F4 to track M-files inside the code editor.
  5. Use dataset to show simple tables.
  6. See

Cd'ing to the Parent Dir of a Symlink

Once inside the symlink, issuing cd .. to go to the parent dir doesn't work. It returns to the dir where the symlink resides.

To go to the parent dir of the actual dir where symlink points to, use "cd -P .."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Improve Focus-Follows-Mouse Behaviour under Emacs

Just use the file here so that focus follows the window the pointer is on.

Ramazan Bayramı Hangi Ay Kutlanır?

Kime sorsam bilemedi, size sorarsam bilin, Ramazan Bayramı Şevval ayında kutlanır, Ramazan ayında değil.

Not: Bu sene şu tarihte: -19 Eylül 2009, Cumartesi Ramazan Bayramı Arifesi -20 Eylül-22 Eylül 2009, Pazar-Salı Ramazan Bayramı

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Modifying Frame Buffer Size in TTY's

  1. Use hwinfo --framebuffer to get the code.
  2. Append it to the kernel line as vga=0x0368 for 1680x1050 resolution.