Files can be opened from the command line as if they were double clicked.
- On Windows, simply typing the name of the file should work IIRC.
- On OS X, there is the
- On KDE and Gnome, there are
and gnome-open
I have created a function in my .bashrc, so that I can open files by the command o. Just add it to ~/.bashrc and source .bashrc
or reboot(!)
function o
kde-open "$@" &>/dev/null &
This sends all stdout and stderr to outer space in order to save you an Enter press, so beware.
Bonus: Actually, all this was done so that I can open the files in dired mode in emacs by their default application, pdf, jpg, mp3 files etc.
(define-key dired-mode-map "o" 'dired-launch-command)
(defun dired-launch-command ()
(case system-type
(gnu/linux "kde-open") ;right for gnome (ubuntu), not for other systems
(darwin "open"))
(dired-get-marked-files t current-prefix-arg)))
Now in dired mode, pressing 'o' will open the file in the default application.
See here if that doesn't work.