gecegece " duymadın mı? " | MySpace Music Videos
Vengeance Is Mine, I Shall Repay
This is a quick tip:
adds the current dir and its subfolders (recursively) to the path in MATLAB.
I don't use git gui much, I mainly prefer the command line or magit or GitX, but git gui might be useful sometimes, especially with the OpenInGitGui Finder extension.
When installed, git gui by default doesn't work (at least on my Macbook running Leopard); and fails with the message:
dyld: Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Tk Referenced from: /usr/local/git/share/git-gui/lib/Git Reason: image not found error: git-gui died of signal 5
Clearly, the Tk framework 8.5 is missing and can be downloaded from here. (Also see here) Once that is installed, everything works properly.
If you are running your ssh server on a port different than 21, for example 22, you can connect to the machine like this:
ssh mymachineip:22
ssh mymachineip -p 22
However, there is an easier way:
Create the file ~/.ssh/config, then fill it like this:
Host mymachineip
Port 22
Now you can just ssh to the machine: ssh mymachine
When there is only one screen session, screen -raAD attaches to the running screen. So far so good.
However, if for some reason, there are more than one screen sessions, (screen -ls should give you those), screen suggests that you need to do screen -r [[pid.]tty[.host]] to reattach.
However, this simply doesn't work at first and yields weird errors like:
There is a screen on: 5541.pts-1.shannon (11/02/2009 04:40:02 PM) (Attached) There is no screen to be resumed matching 5541.pts-1.shannon.
This is utterly confusing, since it first says that there is a screen, but there is no screen to be resumed. What this means actually is just that however: one first has to detach that screen in order to attach to it. So, yes, there is a screen and that screen is not a screen one can connect directly.
The solution is to give the -d parameter to detach it at first, so
screen -d -r 5541.pts-1.shannon
should work. In fact, I guess screen -r -d 554 works too. That 554 portion has to be unique though, so screen -r -d 5 works too if no other screen session starts with a 5.
(modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" matlab-mode-syntax-table)
find -name '*.eps' -exec convert {} {}.png \;
However, there is an easier command:
mogrify -format png *.eps
will do the job more elegantly. Using the -path png will output the images in a folder named png instead of the current folder.
Imagemagick has some other useful commands:
- display : Displays the image
- montage : Concatenates several images
- animate : Animates several images
man imagemagick for more.
[Desktop Action Dropbox Public URL]
Exec=dropbox puburl %u | xclip -selection clipboard
Name=Get Public URL
[Desktop Entry]
Actions=Dropbox Public URL;
This action requires the xclip program to copy the output of the action to clipboard, so install that using your package manager.
Next, when you right click a file in Dropbox/Public folder, and go to Actions-Get Public URL, the URL should be copied to the clipboard.
Tip: If you add
it will appear in the top level, not under Actions menu.
Weather information can be obtained at command line using a Python script that retrieves the weather information from Yahoo API found here at GitHub.
For Ankara, the location code is TUXX0003 and I aliased it in ~/.bash_profile as:
alias hava=' TUXX0003 -m c -f 2'
To compile files that require XeLaTeX-specific options using LaTeX, use the \ifx\XeTeXversion\undefined
Hello World from LaTeX!
Hello World from XeLaTeX!
If you want to use two mouses in Linux, and want one of them lefty and the other righty: use this:
xinput set-button-map 2 3 2 1
will reverse the buttons of the mouse numbered 2.
To get a list of the mouses,
xinput list
xsetpointer -l
Combining both, to set the Microsoft mouse as lefty for example, use:
xinput set-button-map `xsetpointer -l|grep Microsoft|cut -c 1` 3 2 1
This is not persistent across sessions.
This is nice for reading a source file, such that the cursor stays always at the right spot.
(global-set-key (quote [Scroll_Lock]) 'scroll-lock-mode)
to map it to the Scroll Lock key.
Also see: Centered Cursor Mode
The command
dpkg -L
lists the files installed with a package.
Ex: dpkg -L iceweasel
The Unix command `tree' is nice for visualizing a project that spans multiple directories.
I use the following to get the tree structure for a MATLAB project:
tree -P "*.m" > lstree.tex
This creates a file lstree.tex with the tree structure. Then, to give it a XeLaTeX structure, prepend with the following:
and append the following:
Compile with the command xelatex.
You will need xelatex, tree and gentium packages installed for these to work.
Files can be opened from the command line as if they were double clicked.
and gnome-open
respectively.I have created a function in my .bashrc, so that I can open files by the command o. Just add it to ~/.bashrc and source .bashrc
or reboot(!)
function o
kde-open "$@" &>/dev/null &
This sends all stdout and stderr to outer space in order to save you an Enter press, so beware.
Bonus: Actually, all this was done so that I can open the files in dired mode in emacs by their default application, pdf, jpg, mp3 files etc.
(define-key dired-mode-map "o" 'dired-launch-command)
(defun dired-launch-command ()
(case system-type
(gnu/linux "kde-open") ;right for gnome (ubuntu), not for other systems
(darwin "open"))
(dired-get-marked-files t current-prefix-arg)))
Now in dired mode, pressing 'o' will open the file in the default application.
See here if that doesn't work.
MATLAB shell has a sometimes useful variable called ans which you can use in your current calculations as a variable. My TI-83 had one as well actually, but Bash doesn't have one. :)
So, suppose you want to make use of the latest Bash command output. Using !! will redo the previous command. Using !! inside backticks (` `) or $( ) will give its output, as any other Bash command. (Although the $ notation is preferred, the backtick is more convenient in this particular case.)
So, operating on the last output is as simple as:
command_name `!!`
Note that this redoes the previous action, doesn't actually make use of the latest output.
One example:
$ which firefox
#This is usually the symlink, we want to learn where the actual target is.
$ ls -l `!!`
Another one:
$ find -name "*.org"
$ emacs `!!`
Note that the -exec option of find or feeding to xargs might be more suitable in most cases, but this is just for demonstration.
Of course, C-p C-a command_name ` C-e `
is an option, but this seems easier.
Inspired via:
Via readline, some of Emacs' keybindings are available on the command line.
I was aware some shortcuts like C-a, C-e, C-r were already working; but was surprised to discover that even more are available, like undo, capitalize word etc.
Via: and from "man readline"
"C-@" set-mark
"C-A" beginning-of-line
"C-B" backward-char
"C-D" delete-char
"C-E" end-of-line
"C-F" forward-char
"C-G" abort
"C-H" backward-delete-char
"C-I" complete
"C-J" accept-line
"C-K" kill-line
"C-L" clear-screen
"C-M" accept-line
"C-N" next-history
"C-P" previous-history
"C-Q" quoted-insert
"C-R" reverse-search-history
"C-S" forward-search-history
"C-T" transpose-chars
"C-U" unix-line-discard
"C-V" quoted-insert
"C-W" unix-word-rubout
"C-Y" yank
"C-]" character-search
"C-_" undo
" " to "/" self-insert
"0" to "9" self-insert
":" to "~" self-insert
"C-?" backward-delete-char
Emacs Meta bindings
"M-C-G" abort
"M-C-H" backward-kill-word
"M-C-I" tab-insert
"M-C-J" vi-editing-mode
"M-C-M" vi-editing-mode
"M-C-R" revert-line
"M-C-Y" yank-nth-arg
"M-C-[" complete
"M-C-]" character-search-backward
"M-space" set-mark
"M-#" insert-comment
"M-&" tilde-expand
"M-*" insert-completions
"M--" digit-argument
"M-." yank-last-arg
"M-0" digit-argument
"M-1" digit-argument
"M-2" digit-argument
"M-3" digit-argument
"M-4" digit-argument
"M-5" digit-argument
"M-6" digit-argument
"M-7" digit-argument
"M-8" digit-argument
"M-9" digit-argument
"M-<" beginning-of-history "M-=" possible-completions "M->" end-of-history
"M-?" possible-completions
"M-B" backward-word
"M-C" capitalize-word
"M-D" kill-word
"M-F" forward-word
"M-L" downcase-word
"M-N" non-incremental-forward-search-history
"M-P" non-incremental-reverse-search-history
"M-R" revert-line
"M-T" transpose-words
"M-U" upcase-word
"M-Y" yank-pop
"M-\" delete-horizontal-space
"M-~" tilde-expand
"M-C-?" backward-kill-word
"M-_" yank-last-arg
Emacs Control-X bindings
"C-XC-G" abort
"C-XC-R" re-read-init-file
"C-XC-U" undo
"C-XC-X" exchange-point-and-mark
"C-X(" start-kbd-macro
"C-X)" end-kbd-macro
"C-XE" call-last-kbd-macro
"C-XC-?" backward-kill-line
PS: C-/ also works for undo. Note that C-w is not the same as the Emacs default.
PPS: This is my current .inputrc, mostly the same as /etc/inputrc, except the last 8 lines.
# /etc/inputrc - global inputrc for libreadline
# See readline(3readline) and `info rluserman' for more information.
# Be 8 bit clean.
set input-meta on
set output-meta on
# To allow the use of 8bit-characters like the german umlauts, comment out
# the line below. However this makes the meta key not work as a meta key,
# which is annoying to those which don't need to type in 8-bit characters.
# set convert-meta off
# try to enable the application keypad when it is called. Some systems
# need this to enable the arrow keys.
# set enable-keypad on
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/inputrc.arrows for other codes of arrow keys
# do not bell on tab-completion
# set bell-style none
# set bell-style visible
# some defaults / modifications for the emacs mode
$if mode=emacs
# allow the use of the Home/End keys
"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
"\e[4~": end-of-line
# allow the use of the Delete/Insert keys
"\e[3~": delete-char
"\e[2~": quoted-insert
# mappings for "page up" and "page down" to step to the beginning/end
# of the history
# "\e[5~": beginning-of-history
# "\e[6~": end-of-history
# alternate mappings for "page up" and "page down" to search the history
# "\e[5~": history-search-backward
# "\e[6~": history-search-forward
# mappings for Ctrl-left-arrow and Ctrl-right-arrow for word moving
"\e[1;5C": forward-word
"\e[1;5D": backward-word
"\e[5C": forward-word
"\e[5D": backward-word
"\e\e[C": forward-word
"\e\e[D": backward-word
$if term=rxvt
"\e[8~": end-of-line
"\eOc": forward-word
"\eOd": backward-word
# for non RH/Debian xterm, can't hurt for RH/Debian xterm
# "\eOH": beginning-of-line
# "\eOF": end-of-line
# for freebsd console
# "\e[H": beginning-of-line
# "\e[F": end-of-line
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
"\M-o": "\C-p\C-a\M-f "
set match-hidden-files off
set completion-ignore-case on
set visible-stats on
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
"\M-s": menu-complete
cd: blt: No such file or directory
m-a update
m-a prepare
m-a clean nvidia (?)
m-a a-i nvidia
apt-get install nvidia-glx
Once inside the symlink, issuing cd .. to go to the parent dir doesn't work. It returns to the dir where the symlink resides.
To go to the parent dir of the actual dir where symlink points to, use "cd -P .."
Kime sorsam bilemedi, size sorarsam bilin, Ramazan Bayramı Şevval ayında kutlanır, Ramazan ayında değil.
Not: Bu sene şu tarihte: -19 Eylül 2009, Cumartesi Ramazan Bayramı Arifesi -20 Eylül-22 Eylül 2009, Pazar-Salı Ramazan Bayramı
I have written a Python script that converts Youtube videos to mp3's using youtube-dl, ffmpeg and id3v2.
Details are on the youtube-mp3 website here
du -sm * | sort -rg
Calculates the disk usage in MB's and sorts in reverse order.
Öncelikle Fanboy'un adblock listesini yükleyin. Bunu yükledikten sonra çoğu reklam engellenecektir, kaldıramadıklarını da reklama sağ tıklayıp Block Content'e tıklayarak diyerek kaldırın.
Daha sonra şu userscripti kullanarak reklamlardan doğan boşlukları kaldırabilirsiniz. Scriptin içine nasıl değişiklik yapılacağıyla ilgili bilgileri de koydum.
Opera'da Userscript kullanmak için dosyaları bir klasöre atıp Preferences-Advanced-Javaşcript Options bölümünden en alttaki UserJavaScript files değer yerine scripti içine koyduğumuz klasörü tanıtmamız gerekiyor.
Betik Firefox'ta da Greasemonkey ile çalışıyor olmalı.
Benzer bir seyi eksisozluk icin yapan, HuzursuZ'un yazdigi bir betik icin: cleansozluk Zaten kodu da bu scriptten esinlenerek yazdim.
cleansozluk'u Greasemonkey olmadan bir Firefox eklentisi olarak kullanmak icin daha once bir Firefox add-on hazirlamistim. Su an daha onaylanmadigi icin deneysel asamada, Mozilla'nin sitesinden yuklemek icin giris yapmak gerekiyor. Isteyen Softpedia'dan dogrudan indirebilir.
Google Docs allows generation of table of contents, but doesn't by default number the headers. This inability can be overcome via some CSS magic.
Simply put these into the CSS file, opened from Edit menu's Edit CSS item. This will autonumber header 2,3 and 4. (H2, H3, H4)
body {
counter-reset: chapter;
h2 {
counter-reset: section;
counter-increment: chapter;
h3 {
counter-increment: section;
counter-reset: part;
h4 {
font-weight: bold;
counter-increment: part;
H2:before {
content: counter(chapter) "." " ";
H3:before {
content: counter(chapter) "." counter(section) " ";
H4:before {
content: counter(chapter) "." counter(section) "." counter(part) " ";
Az bilinen MATLAB özelliklerinden biri anonim fonksiyonlar.
Normalde betikler (script) içinde ve komut satırında fonksiyon tanımlaması yapılamaz. Bu kısıtlamanın üstesinden gelmek için anonim fonksiyonlar kullanılabilir.
Anonim fonksiyonlar sayesinde tek ifadeli fonksiyonlar oluşturabilirsiniz.
Anonim fonksiyon taslağı şu şekildedir:
fonksiyon adı = @ (giriş parametreleri) ifade;
myfun = @(x) log(x) + x;
Böyle bir fonksiyonu, giriş parametresi olarak fonksiyon handle'i alan fplot, quad gibi fonksiyonlarda kullanmak mümkün.
a = 1; b = 2; c = 3;
myfun = @(x) a*x.^2 + b*x + c;
fplot(myfun, [-10 10])
Anonim fonksiyonlar içerisinde, üst kapsamda (betik içerisinde daha yukarıda) tanımlanmış değerleri kullanabiliriz; ancak bu değerler fonksiyon tanımlandıktan sonra değiştirilirse fonksiyona etki etmezler. Fonksiyonun yeni değerleri kullanabilmesi için bir kez daha tanımlanması gerekmektedir.These are some MATLAB tricks I will be compiling over time.
to get screen size, and use figure('OuterPosition',[left bottom width height])
to set figure size and location.eval(['a.', 'first', '=', i])
; use str = 'first'; a(str) = i;
plot(1:10), title({'First Line','Second'})
h = plot(NaN,NaN,'b-*',x,y,'b-',x2,y2,'*');
close all hidden
. Note that if the HandleVisibility of a GUI is set to off or callback, it cannot be closed by close all only, the extra parameter 'hidden' is needed in this case.Also, see the MATLAB questions at StackOverFlow.
- elma
* golden
* starking
- armut
- muz
Bu [ornek link](
kullanin. Referans linki vermek icin ise su kalibi kullanin. Ornek:[gorunmesini istediginiz metin][referans adi]
[referans adi]
kismini ekleyin.İnsanın kesin seçim yapması gereken anlar vardır: Kendi yaşamını tümüyle, eksiksiz, dopdolu yaşamak mı, yoksa ikiyüzlü bir dünyanın istediği yapmacık, sığ, onur kırıcı bir varoluşa sürüklenmek mi?
There are moments when one has to choose between living one's own life, fully, entirely, completely-or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands.
Oscar Wilde
-b -o '%(stitle)s.%(ext)s'
parameters to get maximum quality and proper -a list.txt
ffmpeg -i 0-_h1gaZA48.flv -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 192k 0.mp3
for nam in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -i "$nam" -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 192k `basename $nam .mp4`.mp3; done
for name in *.mp3; do id3v2 $name -t `basename $name .mp3`; done